Your bridging between Ukraine and Germany!
With us at your side your business between Germany and Ukraine will be easier, more efficient, and more successful. Rely on Impexcon and grow limitlessly!
Impexcon offers consultancy services in Ukraine and in Germany. We are based in both countries and support you locally.
The focal points of our activities include:
The location of the Federal Republic of Germany offers Ukrainian companies a wide range of opportunities as a sales and procurement market.
By exporting goods and services, foreign currency can be earned in a stable market environment. Purchasing power and quality expectations are high. High expectations on the part of potential customers can prompt companies to make extensive improvements that benefit them as a whole in the long term.
Additionally, we help companies in advance to prepare for entry into the Western European market. In this context, adjustments to the organisation, products and services are often necessary.
Germany acts as a hub and springboard for international trade, even far beyond Europe’s borders. There is an almost inexhaustible variety of goods and services in Germany. On the procurement side, numerous products can be purchased in Germany that are not available in Ukraine or are only available at less favourable conditions.
In addition to its reservoir of workers, Ukraine offers cost-effective resources, that are waiting to be put to the best possible use. Here you will find motivated employees with a good level of education at lucrative conditions. Especially in the IT industry many projects have been realised successfully. The black soils of Ukraine are especially fertile, which is why this country is often called “Europe’s granary”. Ukraine offers numerous opportunities across sectors, because many market niches have not been discovered yet or only insufficiently.
The acquisition of real estate and agricultural and forestry properties in Ukraine can be lucrative for foreign investors. Property investment is already possible in some submarkets.
The country has a promising perspective soon to become a member of the European Union with all the resulting opportunities. In the course of the acts of war significant damage has been inflicted upon the infrastructure, the buildings and other property assets.
Let us make a contribution together
To fund investments, further approximation of laws and a substantial liberalisation on the side of Ukraine is expected. The rise and the development of Poland serves as a blueprint for the future of the country.
The war has brought Ukraine from the sidelines to the centre of world attention. The people and the country deserve to look into a better and more secure future. Let us make a contribution together.
It is our aim to accompany you, to build a bridge and to connect countries and people. We are rooted in both cultures and markets, profit-based and gladly help you with competence and passion to realize your project successfully.